Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Type: G13
Description: from -40°C to +125°C
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW GS 94000; Chrysler MS-7170; Deutz DQC CA-14; FORD AF Plus; FORD ESE-M978B4H-A; GM 1825 M; GM 1899 M; MAN 324 typ NF; MB 325.0; MINI GS 94000; MTU MTL 5048; OPEL GM QL130100; OPEL GME L1301; VAUXHALL GME L1301
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Name: Antifreeze AG13 (-40 °C) Hightec 4013
Packaging: 1L
Colour/finishing: Green
Returns: no return possible
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
SAE viscosity grade: 60
Packaging: 5L
Name: Antifreeze AG13 (-40 °C) Hightec 4013
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW GS 94000; Chrysler MS-7170; Deutz DQC CA-14; FORD AF Plus; FORD ESE-M978B4H-A; GM 1825 M; GM 1899 M; MAN 324 typ NF; MB 325.0; MINI GS 94000; MTU MTL 5048; OPEL GM QL130100; OPEL GME L1301; VAUXHALL GME L1301
Description: from -40°C to +125°C
Returns: no return possible
Colour/finishing: Green
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Type: G13
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW GS 94000; Chrysler MS-7170; Deutz DQC CA-14; FORD AF Plus; FORD ESE-M978B4H-A; GM 1825 M; GM 1899 M; MAN 324 NF; MB 325.0; MINI GS 94000; MTU MTL 5048; OPEL GM QL130100; OPEL GME L1301; VAUXHALL GME L1301
Description: from -40°C to +125°C
Colour/finishing: yellow
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Type: G13+
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Name: Antifreeze AG13+ (-40 °C) Advanced 4014
Packaging: 1L
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Packaging: 5L
Type: G13+
Colour/finishing: yellow
SAE viscosity grade: 60
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW GS 94000; Chrysler MS-7170; Deutz DQC CA-14; FORD AF Plus; FORD ESE-M978B4H-A; GM 1825 M; GM 1899 M; MAN 324 NF; MB 325.0; MINI GS 94000; MTU MTL 5048; OPEL GM QL130100; OPEL GME L1301; VAUXHALL GME L1301
Name: Antifreeze AG13+ (-40 °C) Advanced 4014
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Description: from -40°C to +125°C
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Type: G13++
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: Cummins CES 14603; DEUTZ DQC CC-14; MAN 324 Si-OAT; MB 325.5; MB 325.6; SMART MB 326.0; VW TL 774 G; VW TL 774 J
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Returns: no return possible
Packaging: 1L
Name: Antifreeze AF13++ (-40 °C) 4015
Colour/finishing: violet
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
SAE viscosity grade: 60
Type: G13++
Colour/finishing: violet
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Name: Antifreeze AF13++ (-40 °C) 4015
Packaging: 5L
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: Cummins CES 14603; DEUTZ DQC CC-14; MAN 324 Si-OAT; MB 325.5; MB 325.6; SMART MB 326.0; VW TL 774 G; VW TL 774 J
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Type: 5W30
Name: 7511 ENERGY 5W-30
Packaging: 1L
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-98; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 501.01; VW 502.00; VW 503.01; VW 505.00
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Returns: no return possible
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Type: 5W30
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Packaging: 4L
Name: 7511 ENERGY 5W-30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-98; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 501.01; VW 502.00; VW 503.01; VW 505.00
Returns: no return possible
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Name: 7511 ENERGY 5W-30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Packaging: 5L
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-98; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 501.01; VW 502.00; VW 503.01; VW 505.00
Type: 5W30
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Name: 7511 ENERGY 5W-30
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Capacity [Litre]: 7
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-98; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 501.01; VW 502.00; VW 503.01; VW 505.00
Type: 5W30
Returns: no return possible
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Packaging: 7L
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Packaging: 1L
Name: 7707 Energy Formula FR
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: Fiat 9.55535-G1; FORD WSS-M2C913-A; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; FORD WSS-M2C913-C; FORD WSS-M2C913-D; JAGUAR STJLR.03.5003; MB 229.6
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Specification according to API: SN
Specification according to ACEA: A5/B5
Type: 5W30
Returns: no return possible
Used: : 02.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Type: 5W30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Name: 7707 Energy Formula FR
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: Fiat 9.55535-G1; FORD WSS-M2C913-A; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; FORD WSS-M2C913-C; FORD WSS-M2C913-D; JAGUAR STJLR.03.5003; MB 229.6
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Specification according to API: SN
Packaging: 5L
Specification according to ACEA: A5/B5
Used: : 02.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Capacity [Litre]: 7
Name: 7707 Energy Formula FR
Packaging: 7L
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: Fiat 9.55535-G1; FORD WSS-M2C913-A; FORD WSS-M2C913-B; FORD WSS-M2C913-C; FORD WSS-M2C913-D; JAGUAR STJLR.03.5003; MB 229.6
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Type: 5W30
Specification according to ACEA: A5/B5
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Specification according to API: SN
Used: : 02.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Type: 0W40
Name: 7901 LEGEND+ESTER 0W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
SAE viscosity grade: 0W-40
Returns: no return possible
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; CHRYSLER MS-10725; CHRYSLER MS-12633; Fiat 9.55535-M2; FORD WSS-M2C937-A; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; RENAULT RN17; VW 502 00; VW 505 00
Packaging: 1L
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Packaging: 4L
Type: 0W40
SAE viscosity grade: 0W-40
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; CHRYSLER MS-10725; CHRYSLER MS-12633; Fiat 9.55535-M2; FORD WSS-M2C937-A; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; RENAULT RN17; VW 502 00; VW 505 00
Name: 7901 LEGEND+ESTER 0W-40
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Returns: no return possible
Name: 7903 ELITE 5W-40
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB Approval 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2296; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 502.00; VW
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Packaging: 1L
Type: 5W40
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Type: 5W40
Name: 7905 ELITE 5W-40
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB Approval 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2296; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 502.00; VW
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Packaging: 5L
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Type: 5W40
Packaging: 1L
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10725; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-M2; Fiat 9.55535-N2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2294; P
Name: 7904 DIESEL TURBO 5W-40
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10725; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-M2; Fiat 9.55535-N2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2294; P
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Returns: no return possible
Name: 7905 DIESEL TURBO 5W-40
Packaging: 5L
Type: 5W40
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Manufacturer: MANNOL
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2296; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 502.00; VW 505.00
Packaging: 1L
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Name: 7915 EXTREME 5W-40
Type: 5W40
Returns: no return possible
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2296; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 502.00; VW 505.00
Name: 7915 EXTREME 5W-40
Returns: no return possible
Type: 5W40
Packaging: 4L
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: SL (R231), 12.11-04.20
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Type: 5W40
Specification according to ACEA: A7/B7
Returns: no return possible
Specification according to API: CH-4;SN
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW LL-01; BMW LL-98; CHRYSLER MS-10850; CHRYSLER MS-10896; CHRYSLER MS-12991; Fiat 9.55535-H2; Fiat 9.55535-Z2; GM LL-A-025; GM LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.3; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; PSA B71 2296; RENAULT RN0700; RENAULT RN0710; VW 502.00; VW 505.00
Packaging: 5L
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Name: 7915 EXTREME 5W-40
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Packaging: 450ml
Colour/finishing: Green
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW 81 22 9 407 758; FENDT X 902.011.622; Fiat 9.55550-AG3; FORD WSS-M2C204-A; GM B 040 0070; MAN M 3289; MB 345.0; OPEL B 040 0070; Others CHF 11S; Others CHF 202; VOLVO 1161529-1; VOLVO 8713089; VW G 002 000; VW G 004 000; VW TL 52 146; ZF TE-ML 02
Name: Central Hydraulic Fluid 8990
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Packaging: 1L
Name: Central Hydraulic Fluid 8990
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: BMW 81 22 9 407 758; FENDT X 902.011.622; Fiat 9.55550-AG3; FORD WSS-M2C204-A; GM B 040 0070; MAN M 3289; MB 345.0; OPEL B 040 0070; Others CHF 11S; Others CHF 202; VOLVO 1161529-1; VOLVO 8713089; VW G 002 000; VW G 004 000; VW TL 52 146; ZF TE-ML 02
Colour/finishing: Green
Manufacturer: MANNOL
Returns: no return possible
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Packaging: 1L
Manufacturer: MOBIL
SAE viscosity grade: 85W-90
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: 342 Typ M1; API GL-5; TE-ML 07A
Manufacturer Release: Approval 235.0; DTFR 12B100; TE-ML 16C; TE-ML 17B; TE-ML 19B; TE-ML 21A
Type: 85W90
Availability: ON ORDER ONLY (without right to return)
Specification according to API: GL-5
Returns: no return possible
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Used: : 01.2012-04.2020
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!