pilt puudub

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 2. OEM/OES

Thickness [mm]: 15,5

Height [mm]: 44,9

Width 1 [mm]: 111,5

Width 2 [mm]: 91,2

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories

Wear Warning Contact: with acoustic wear indicator

Manufacturer: TEXTAR

Brake system: AKEBONO

WVA Number: 23582

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025
Polcari pilt

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): FRONT


Quality: 2. OEM/OES

Width [mm]: 139,0

Thickness [mm]: 15,5

Height [mm]: 58,8

Manufacturer: TRW

Wear Warning Contact: not prepared for wear indicator

Manufacturer Restriction: Sumitomo

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories

Inspection Tag: E9 90R 01107/243

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025
Polcari pilt

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 2. OEM/OES

Thickness [mm]: 16,4

Height [mm]: 45,0

Length 1 [mm]: 91,0

Length 2 [mm]: 111,5

Manufacturer: TRW

Wear Warning Contact: not prepared for wear indicator

Manufacturer Restriction: Akebono

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories

Inspection Tag: E9 90R 01120/267

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Width [mm]: 91,1

Thickness [mm]: 15,3

Height [mm]: 45

Width 2 [mm]: 111,4

Manufacturer: ICER

Brake system: AKEBONO

Wear Warning Contact: Incl. wear warning contact

Inspection Tag: E9 90R-01110/267

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Width [mm]: 91,1

Thickness [mm]: 15,9

Height [mm]: 45

Width 2 [mm]: 111,4

Inspection Tag: E9 90R-01110/3278

Brake system: AKEBONO

Manufacturer: ICER

Wear Warning Contact: Incl. wear warning contact

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025
pilt puudub

Brake shoes


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Width [mm]: 32

Manufacturer: DELPHI

Inner Br. Drum Diam. [mm]: 190

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025
Polcari pilt

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): FRONT


Quality: 2. OEM/OES

Width [mm]: 139

Thickness [mm]: 16

Height [mm]: 58

Brake system: Sumitomo

Manufacturer: BREMBO

Technical information: PRIME LINE

Wear Warning Contact: with acoustic wear indicator

WVA Number: 23488

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: without accessories

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025
Polcari pilt

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 2. OEM/OES

Thickness [mm]: 16

Height [mm]: 45

Width 1 [mm]: 91

Width 2 [mm]: 111

Technical information: PRIME LINE

Manufacturer: BREMBO

Wear Warning Contact: with acoustic wear indicator

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: without accessories

Brake system: AKEBONO

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with piston clip

WVA Number: 23583; 23582

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): FRONT


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Thickness/Strength 1 [mm]: 15,5

Width 1 [mm]: 139,4

Height 1 [mm]: 58,3

Thickness/Strength 2 [mm]: 15,5

Width 2 [mm]: 139,2

Height 2 [mm]: 58,3

WVA Number: 23488

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories

Inspection Tag: E9 90R-01823/243

Brake system: Sumitomo

Wear Warning Contact: with acoustic wear indicator

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: without anti-squeak plate

Manufacturer: SRLine

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): REAR


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Thickness/Strength 1 [mm]: 16,5

Width 1 [mm]: 138,1

Height 1 [mm]: 59,5

Thickness/Strength 2 [mm]: 16,5

Width 2 [mm]: 137,7

Height 2 [mm]: 59,5

Manufacturer: SRLine

Wear Warning Contact: with acoustic wear indicator

WVA Number: 23558

Brake system: AKEBONO

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories

Inspection Tag: E9 90R-02A0823/0406

Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with damping washer

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Delivery To You from EU stock R 14.03.2025

Brake pads


Model: ENDEAVOR (D8_W, D7_W), 05.02-08.11

Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)

Location (Front/Rear): FRONT


Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot

Width [mm]: 139

Thickness [mm]: 15,4

Height [mm]: 58,5

Manufacturer: ICER

Wear Warning Contact: Incl. wear warning contact

Brake system: Sumitomo

Inspection Tag: E9 90R-01111/1035

Used: : 01.2003-08.2011

IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!

Price w. vat:   Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Out of stock

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