Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Oil: Synthetic oil
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Packaging: 5L
Returns: no return possible
Type: 5W30
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S3
Manufacturer Release: GM DEXOS 2; MB 229.51/229.52; VW 502.00/505.00; VW 505.01
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Type: 5W30
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S3
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Oil: Synthetic oil
Manufacturer Release: GM DEXOS 2; MB 229.51/229.52; VW 502.00/505.00; VW 505.01
Manufacturer: REPSOL
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Returns: no return possible
Packaging: 1L
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to ACEA: C2
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Manufacturer Release: PSA B71 2290
Type: 5W30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S1
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 5L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to ACEA: C2
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Manufacturer Release: PSA B71 2290
Type: 5W30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S1
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 4L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to ACEA: C2
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer Release: PSA B71 2290
Type: 5W30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S1
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 1L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Manufacturer Release: GM Dexos2; MB 229.31/MB 229.51; Porsche A40; VW 505.00/505.01
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S2; FORD WSS-M2C917-A
Packaging: 5L
Availability: Bargain Offer
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Type: 5W40
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Type: 5W30
Oil: Synthetic oil
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.51/226.51; RENAULT RN0720
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S4
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Returns: no return possible
Specification according to ACEA: C3;C4
Packaging: 5L
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to ACEA: C3;C4
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Availability: Bargain Offer
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Oil: Synthetic oil
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S4
Packaging: 1L
Type: 5W30
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.51/226.51; RENAULT RN0720
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Type: 5W30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Manufacturer Release: Renault RN17
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Returns: no return possible
Packaging: 5L
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Oil: Synthetic oil
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Manufacturer Release: Renault RN17
Returns: no return possible
Packaging: 1L
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Type: 5W30
Oil: Synthetic oil
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S3
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.51; Porsche C30; VW 507.00/504.00
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Specification according to API: SN
Name: ELITE LONG LIFE 50700/50400 5W-30
Specification according to ACEA: C3
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Oil: Synthetic oil
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Type: 5W30
Packaging: 5L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Packaging: 4L
Type: 5W30
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Specification according to API: SN
Returns: no return possible
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S3
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.51; Porsche C30; VW 507.00/504.00
Name: ELITE LONG LIFE 50700/50400 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil: Synthetic oil
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Name: ELITE LONG LIFE 50700/50400 5W-30
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.51; Porsche C30; VW 507.00/504.00
Type: 5W30
Specification according to API: SN
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: FIAT 9.55535 S3
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 1L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Oil: Synthetic oil
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Returns: no return possible
Name: ELITE 50501 5W-40
Manufacturer Release: VW 505.00/505.01
Type: 5W40
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Packaging: 5L
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Type: 5W40
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer Release: VW 505.00/505.01
Packaging: 1L
Name: ELITE 50501 5W-40
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Availability: Bargain Offer
Specification according to ACEA: C3
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to API: CF;SL
Oil: Synthetic oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: GM LL-B-025
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Returns: no return possible
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Type: 5W30
Manufacturer Release: BMW LL-01; MB 226.5; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Packaging: 5L
Name: ELITE COSMOS A3/B4 5W-30
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Specification according to API: CF;SL
Type: 5W30
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Name: ELITE COSMOS A3/B4 5W-30
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: GM LL-B-025
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil: Synthetic oil
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Packaging: 1L
Manufacturer Release: BMW LL-01; MB 226.5; MB 229.5; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 4L
Name: ELITE COSMOS A3/B4 5W-40
Specification according to API: CF;SN;SN+;SP
Availability: on offer soon
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Returns: no return possible
Manufacturer Release: GM-LL-B-025; MB 226.5; MB 229.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Type: 5W40
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Specification according to ACEA: A5/B5
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Type: 5W30
Manufacturer Release: Ford WSS-M2C913-D; RENAULT RN0700; STJLR.03.5003
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Packaging: 4L
Specification according to API: CF;SL
Name: ELITE COSMOS A5/B5 5W-30
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Name: ELITE COSMOS A5/B5 5W-30
Specification according to API: CF;SL
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer Release: Ford WSS-M2C913-D; RENAULT RN0700; STJLR.03.5003
Type: 5W30
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-30
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Specification according to ACEA: A5/B5
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 1L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.3/226.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Type: 5W40
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: GM LL-B-025
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 5L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.3/226.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Type: 5W40
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: GM LL-B-025
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 4L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
SAE viscosity grade: 5W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Capacity [Litre]: 1
Manufacturer Release: MB 229.3/226.5; Porsche A40; RENAULT RN0700; Renault RN0710; VW 502.00/505.00
Type: 5W40
Specification according to API: CF;SN
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation: GM LL-B-025
Returns: no return possible
Oil: Synthetic oil
Packaging: 1L
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Packaging: 5L
Name: LEADER A3/B4 10W-40
Oil: Synthetic oil
Returns: no return possible
Capacity [Litre]: 5
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Type: 10W40
Specification according to API: CF;SL
SAE viscosity grade: 10W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MURANO II VAN (Z51), 10.07-09.14
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Manufacturer: REPSOL
Oil: Synthetic oil
Capacity [Litre]: 4
Returns: no return possible
SAE viscosity grade: 10W-40
Type: 10W40
Specification according to API: CF;SL
Packaging: 4L
Name: LEADER A3/B4 10W-40
Specification according to ACEA: A3/B4
Used: : 03.2013-09.2014
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!