Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 73
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 10
Number of Holes: 4
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with wheel bearing set; with ABS ring
Outer Diameter [mm]: 268
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Technical information: PRIME LINE
Centering Diameter [mm]: 30
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 35
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 10
Number of Holes: 5
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Centering Diameter [mm]: 71
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Outer Diameter [mm]: 268
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Used: : 07.2008-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 35
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 10
Number of Holes: 5
Outer Diameter [mm]: 290
Centering Diameter [mm]: 71
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Used: : 07.2008-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 4
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Outer Diameter [mm]: 283
Brake Disc Type: internally vented
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24,5
Number of Holes: 4
Outer Diameter [mm]: 283
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Machining: High-carbon
Technical information: XTRA LINE - Xtra
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Brake Disc Type: perforated/vented
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 4
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Outer Diameter [mm]: 302
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Brake Disc Type: internally vented
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24,5
Number of Holes: 4
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Machining: High-carbon
Outer Diameter [mm]: 302
Technical information: XTRA LINE - Xtra
Brake Disc Type: perforated/vented
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 48
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 28
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 26
Number of Holes: 5
Outer Diameter [mm]: 304
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Machining: High-carbon
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Centering Diameter [mm]: 71
Brake Disc Type: internally vented
Used: : 07.2008-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 48
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 5
Outer Diameter [mm]: 283
Manufacturer: BREMBO
Machining: High-carbon
Technical information: PRIME LINE - UV Coated
Centering Diameter [mm]: 71
Brake Disc Type: internally vented
Used: : 07.2008-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Width [mm]: 101,8
Thickness [mm]: 16,3
Height [mm]: 48,3
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories
Inspection Tag: E1 90R-01832/954
Brake system: BOSCH
Number of screws: 2
Wear Warning Contact: Excl. wear warning contact; not prepared for wear indicator
Manufacturer: ATE
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with caliper guide screws
Used: : 02.2007-07.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Thickness/Strength 1 [mm]: 18,5
Width 1 [mm]: 155,1
Height 1 [mm]: 64,7
Thickness/Strength 2 [mm]: 18,5
Width 2 [mm]: 155,1
Height 2 [mm]: 58,3
Manufacturer: ATE
Availability: Bargain Offer
Brake system: ATE
Wear Warning Contact: Excl. wear warning contact; not prepared for wear indicator
Inspection Tag: E1 90R-011104/950
Used: : 02.2007-07.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26,0
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24,0
Number of Holes: 4
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66,0
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108,0
Inspection Tag: E1 90R-02C0118/0488
Bore Ø [mm]: 13,0
Manufacturer: ATE
Brake Disc Type: ventilated
Outer Diameter [mm]: 283,0
Inner diameter [mm]: 133,5
Used: : 02.2007-07.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26,0
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24,0
Number of Holes: 4
Brake Disc Type: externally vented
Manufacturer: ATE
Inner diameter [mm]: 133,0
Inspection Tag: E1 90R-02C0118/0059
Outer Diameter [mm]: 302,0
Bore Ø [mm]: 13,0
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66,0
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108,0
Used: : 02.2007-07.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Height [mm]: 73,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 10
Number of Holes: 4
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with wheel bearing; with ABS ring
Machining: Untreated
Centering Diameter [mm]: 30
Manufacturer: DELPHI
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Inspection Tag: E1 90R-02C0543/1517
Outer Diameter [mm]: 268
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,3
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26,1
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 4
Drill Ø, up to [mm]: 12,9
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66,1
Outer Diameter [mm]: 282,6
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108
Brake Disc Type: ventilated
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Width [mm]: 155,2
Thickness/Strength 1 [mm]: 18,3
Height 1 [mm]: 64,7
Thickness/Strength 2 [mm]: 18,8
Height 2 [mm]: 57,7
WVA Number: 24538
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: With mounting manual; with damping washer; with piston clip
Inspection Tag: ECE-R90
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Width [mm]: 155,4
Thickness/Strength 1 [mm]: 18,5
Height 1 [mm]: 66,9
Thickness/Strength 2 [mm]: 19
Height 2 [mm]: 72,7
WVA Number: 24557
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with damping washer; with piston clip
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Inspection Tag: ECE-R90
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Width [mm]: 102,2
Thickness [mm]: 16,5
Height [mm]: 48,5
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with damping washer; with screws
Manufacturer: BOSCH
WVA Number: 24540
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info: With accessories
Inspection Tag: ECE-R90
Number of screws: 4
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Height [mm]: 73,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Rim Hole Number: 4
Outer Diameter [mm]: 267,7
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with integrated wheel bearing; with integrated magnetic sensor ring
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Manufacturer: CX
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 4
Availability: Clearance sale
Manufacturer: FERODO
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Brake Disc Type: ventilated
Bore Ø [mm]: 66
Outer Diameter [mm]: 302
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24
Number of Holes: 4
Brake Disc Type: ventilated
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Inspection Tag: E190R-02C0185/0546
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108
Outer Diameter [mm]: 283
Manufacturer: TRW
Machining: High-carbon
Thread Size: 13
Used: : 02.2007-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 34,2
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 26
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 24,2
Number of Holes: 4
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108
Thread Size: 13,1
Manufacturer: TRW
Brake Disc Type: ventilated
Outer Diameter [mm]: 302
Machining: High-carbon
Centering Diameter [mm]: 66
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 2 pcs
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Height [mm]: 74
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 12
Minimum Thickness [mm]: 10
Number of Holes: 4
Supplementary Article/Supplementary Info 2: with wheel bearing; with ABS ring
Thread Size: M12 x 1,25
Brake Disc Type: Unvented
Manufacturer: TRW
Outer Diameter [mm]: 268
Centering Diameter [mm]: 65
Pitch Circle Ø [mm]: 108
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional description: brake caliper - rebuilt
Manufacturer: EAI
Brake Caliper Type: brake caliper (1 piston)
Availability: Clearance sale
brake caliper diameter [mm]: 38
Brake system: BOSCH
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: C4 PICASSO I (MPV) (UD_), 10.06-12.15
Sales Unit: packing unit: set: 1 pc(s)
Location (Front/Rear): REAR
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Height [mm]: 51
Diameter [mm]: 38
Fitting Side: Rear Axle
Manufacturer: ERT
Brake system: LUCAS/TRW
Used: : 10.2006-08.2013
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!