Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional name: 5 adapters
Packaging: blister pack
Dimensions: 550mm
Manufacturer: SRLine
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional name: 5 adapters
Packaging: blister pack
Manufacturer: SRLine
Dimensions: 610mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: SRLine
Dimensions: 550mm
Packaging: blister pack
Blade type: standard
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Manufacturer: SRLine
Blade type: standard
Adapter type: U
Packaging: blister pack
Dimensions: 610mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT+REAR
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional name: dual pump
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Dimensions: 550mm
Blade type: standard
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: BOSCH
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Adapter type: U
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 600mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Version of wiperblade: specific
Manufacturer: VALEO
Blade type: flat
Dimensions: 550 mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Manufacturer: (Made in EU)
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Dimensions: 560 mm
Packaging: blister pack
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Manufacturer: (Made in EU)
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Packaging: blister pack
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
Dimensions: 600 mm
Availability: Clearance sale (bargain offer)
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional name: Motgum Premium
Packaging: cardboard box
Dimensions: 560 mm
Blade type: flat
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Additional name: Motgum Premium
Packaging: cardboard box
Dimensions: 600 mm
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
Blade type: flat
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Manufacturer: (Made in EU)
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 560mm
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
Packaging: cardboard box
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Manufacturer: (Made in EU)
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Dimensions: 600mm
Manufacturer: MOTGUM
Packaging: cardboard box
Blade type: standard
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 550mm
Packaging: workshop pack
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: BOSCH
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Availability: Clearance sale (bargain offer)
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Blade type: standard
Adapter type: U
Dimensions: 550mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Adapter type: U
Packaging: workshop pack
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Dimensions: 600mm
Blade type: standard
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Wiper indicator: wear indicator
Dimensions: 550mm
Blade type: standard
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: VALEO
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Blade type: standard
Version of wiperblade: specific
Dimensions: 550mm
Wiper indicator: wear indicator
Adapter type: A
Manufacturer: VALEO
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Blade type: standard
Version of wiperblade: specific
Dimensions: 600mm
Wiper indicator: wear indicator
Adapter type: A
Manufacturer: VALEO
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 600 mm
Packaging: cardboard box
Manufacturer: VALEO
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT+RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Manufacturer: BOSCH
Adapter type: U
Blade type: flat
Dimensions: 600+530 mm
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): RIGHT
Quality: 4. TÜV Rheinland ; Din ; Dot
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 550 mm
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: VALEO
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!
Model: MULTIPLA (186), 01.99-12.04
Sales Unit: packing unit: 1 pc
Location (Front/Rear): FRONT
Side (Left/Right): LEFT+RIGHT
Quality: 2. OEM/OES
Blade type: standard
Dimensions: 600+550 mm
Adapter type: U
Manufacturer: BOSCH
IMPORTANT! Specification: : Open / Close here!